7070A-I AC Current Ratio Bridge

  • Calibration of Current Transformers from a Single Instrument
  • Calibration of Instrument Transformers with Different Rated Ratios Using One Single Reference Standard
  • Calibration of Current Transformers (CT) Up to 10000 A When Used With MI 7020 and/or 7200 Series of Precision Current Transformers and/or Current Comparators
  • Short Measurement Times with High Accuracy and Low Inherent Burdens
  • Instrument Applications are Valid for Single-Phase Measurements. Three-Phase Transformers Measurements Performed by Testing Each Phase Separately
  • Test Frequency from 15 to 100 Hz
Features & Benefits

The accurate measurement of electric energy in high-voltage, high current distribution systems relies on 3 key components: a watt-hour meter, a high-voltage transformer and a high current transformer to step down high-voltage and high current to accurate low levels for input to the kWh meters or other electrical measuring devices. However, if the instrument transformers are not calibrated with similar accuracy, then the precise measurements made by the measuring devices will be with high uncertainty and misleading. For high-voltages and currents, this inaccuracy can have a significant impact on the result. Therefore, calibration of the instrument transformers has become increasingly important.

Beginning with single instruments such as automated high-voltage capacitance tan delta bridge, high-voltage dividers and wattmeter/power analyzers and systems such as the MI Power Calibration Systems (PCS) and Automated Load Loss Measurement System (ALMS) and Isolating Current Transformer (ICT) systems. MI is also 17025 accredited for both in-house and on-site calibration of these measurements. This capability authenticates not only our credentials as an industry-leading instrument developer but also as calibration service provider for the calibration of instrument transformers.

The model 7070A series of AC ratio bridges developed at MI, are fully automated for fast and accurate measurements of instrument transformer errors. The 7070A can be easily integrated into complex systems to achieve calibration of voltage transformers up to 800 kV and current transformers to 10,000 Amps. The 7070A will set new standards of measurement in the calibration of instrument transformers.

Model 7070A-I

The model 7070A-I is an AC Current Ratio Bridge and its main application is the calibration of current transformers using a reference CT, such as the MI 7020 series or another manufacturer reference CT. The 7070A-I has 10 input current ranges as follows: 5, 2, 1, 0.5, 0.2, 0.1, 0.05, 0.02, 0.01 and 0.005 A. Higher testing currents can be achieved using external precision CTs. The high number of input current ranges gives the flexibility of using one single ratio reference CT to test current transformers of different rated ratios. Figure 1 shows the setup diagram for testing current transformers.

Figure 1. Model 7070A-I Current Transformer Configuration

Measurement Systems

MI designs and supplies system solutions for current and voltage transformer measurements customized for specific requirements. Some of the system components are listed below:
1. 7020 series Standard Current Transformers
2. 7200 series of Current Comparators
3. 2500 series of Voltage Dividers
4. Model CG series of High-Voltage Capacitors
5. Electronic burdens
6. Computer and printer for external control and data recovery.

Model No. 7070A-I
Input Channels 2
Current Measurements
Input Ranges per Channel (A) 0.005, 0.01 ,0.02, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5
Current Accuracy (ppm of FS)
@ 50/60 Hz (23 °C ± 5 °C)
± 50
Ratio Accuracy (ppm)
(23 °C ± 5 °C)
± 75
For 0.5 ≤ Ix/Is ≤ 2.0
± 100
For 0.5 ≥ Ix/Is ≥ 2.0
Phase Shift Accuracy (min)
(23 °C ± 5 °C)
 ± 0.2
For 0.5 ≤ Ix/Is ≤ 2.0
 ± 0.4
For 0.5 ≥ Ix/Is ≥ 2.0
Linearity (ppm) ≤ 20
Input Impedance (Ω) ≤ 3.5
Isolation (Vpp) 600
Frequency Range (Hz) 15 to 100
Voltage Measurements
Input Ranges per Channel (V)  N/A
Voltage Accuracy (ppm of FS)
@ 50/60 Hz (23 °C ± 5 °C)
Ratio Accuracy (ppm)
(23 °C ± 5 °C)
Phase Shift Accuracy (min)
(23 °C ± 5 °C)
Linearity (ppm) N/A
Input Impedance (MΩ) N/A
Frequency Range (Hz) N/A
Power Measurements
Line-to-Neutral (ppm of FS)
@ 50 or 60 Hz (23 °C ± 5 °C)
Line-to-Line (ppm of FS)
@ 50 or 60 Hz (23 °C ± 5 °C)
Operating Environmental Conditions
Temperature (°C) 15 to 40
Relative Humidity 10 to 80

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