Using AccuLoss® technology, Measurements International (MI) designs, develops, manufactures and calibrates electrical metrology instruments for the AC power industry including Loss Measurement Systems, Instrument Transformer Calibration Systems, High-Voltage Capacitance/Inductance/ Tan Delta Bridges, High-Voltage Dividers, High-Voltage Capacitors, AC Ratio Bridges, Power Analyzers (single and three-phase), High-Voltage Bushings, Current Transformers – both passive and electronically aided, and ICT Test Systems. All instruments are manufactured to the highest quality and support. Measurements International (MI) is 17025 accredited to perform both in-house and on-site calibrations of the ALMS 4000 series of loss measurement systems and its components.
The two main components which allows MI to meet their very stringent measurement parameters is the model 2100 AC Power Calibration system (± 15 ppm in magnitude and phase) and the 7010C High Voltage/Tan Delta Bridge (± 15 ppm in magnitude and phase).