Our team of respected metrologists in the metrology community specializes in developing customers’ knowledge and ability to help improve their overall knowledge of metrology and the accreditation process. Our training and consulting team designs and delivers the best metrology processes, systems and training to help its customers improve not only themselves but their laboratory. Our approach is collaborative. Through needs assessments, communication to determine the overall goal and need, we ensure highly relevant, practical solutions that improve the metrologist and the laboratory.
Our key services include:
1. Consulting Services
2. Sales Support
3. Training: Knowledge to improve efficiency and operations
For three decades, MI has supported customers worldwide with providing the leading edge equipment, support and solutions for all of their metrology needs. Our clients include every major NMI around the world plus the majority of smaller NMI’s worldwide.
Calibrations: Measurements International Calibration laboratory is accredited by Standards Council of Canada for Metrology (Resistance, Voltage & Current), AC Power & Energy and the components used in the AccuLoss® series of Loss Measurement Systems. All tests and calibrations are done according to ISO 17025 standards. We provide our customers with reports and certificates for all products. MIL provides both in house and on-site calibrations. The calibrations can be in the form of an ISO 17025 or Standard Calibration. Any equipment that requires calibration must have a completed CSF (Calibration Service Form) filled in and emailed to sales@mintl.com prior to the test equipment arriving on site or at the factory.