A Partner in Accreditation

As a national, primary or industry calibration lab, not only do you want to deliver the best possible service to your customers based on appropriate levels of uncertainty and traceability, you want to be able to prove your credentials too. Around the world, National Calibration Labs and Testing Authorities are basing their standards around ISO 17025. At Measurement International, ISO 17025 is central to everything we do, and so we are making that expertise available to all of our customers.

  • If you want to acquire a piece or suite of equipment from us – we will be very happy to help; it has been built with the idea that you may want to incorporate it into your own facility that has or is gaining accreditation. All functionality, documentation, and support are provided to ensure minimal friction when considering accreditation.
  • However, we realize that many of our customers are looking for overall capability and that means not only the equipment, but also the processes and procedures necessary for workup and operation, perhaps integration into an existing lab, and crucially the support so achieve ISO 17025 accreditation within the shortest period of time and with the maximum amount of certainty. You want your lab and our equipment working for you.

Our world-class equipment is only part or your success story; we can help you turn it into capability by becoming a partner in accreditation with you.

17025 Accreditation
Scope of Accreditation

How Accreditation Partnership works

There are 2 elements:

The Product – whether you are an NMI, a Primary Laboratory or an Industry Calibration Lab, we have Metrology and Calibration equipment appropriate to your needs for uncertainty and purpose. Our MI brand of ‘Blue Box’ systems implies the quality of design and construction, interoperability and traceability, and technical support second to none during specification, installation, and operation.

The Service – we don’t just help you get up and running, we take you all the way to [ISO 17025 based] accreditation and then continue to provide the support you need to help you maintain your accreditation; we understand that that is your end goal. We want you to consider us as your Partners in Accreditation. Our typical process and offerings (some optional to suit your needs) would look like this:

  • Identify. We will help you identify what equipment and support you need – focused on the capability you are trying to build.
  • Specify. We will help you build your business case by providing all the necessary information regarding performance, prerequisites, through life costing etc., to secure budgetary funding and approval to go ahead.
  • Deliver. Once approved, we will plan, install and commission.
  • Initial Training. We will provide training as appropriate in the use of the equipment, 1st line maintenance, and troubleshooting.
  • Proficiency Testing.
  • Calibration.
  • Accreditation Support. We will work with you to build your ‘path to accreditation’ providing all forms, templates, and processes. You use our tools to build your evidence to support your accreditation. Of course, you have access to us along the way to answer any questions. We can even provide coaching if you require it.
  • Ongoing Support. You will always have access to MIL to answer any questions about our equipment; however, we can offer a premium support service.
  • Warranties. We also have extended warranties.

How to Make it Happen

Contact us – and let’s work out how we can help you.